Over the past week.

Last Wednesday I went in for the bone density study.  When I heard the word “study” I thought it would be a long, drawn out series of tests.  Instead it was one of the easiest things I’ve had to do, a scan similar to a CAT scan, but without dyes and the confining tube.  This test determines if I have osteoprosis.  The lady conducting the test said I already take as many calcium supplements as my body can absorb and if I do have it, I may have another prescription added to my list.  They said the results take 5-10 days.

I went in this morning for my usual blood work.  All of my counts were great, in the normal range again, but no results back from the bone density.  I’m guessing I won’t hear anything about it until I go back in next Tuesday. Today I take my weekly dose of 14 methotrexate pills and carry on as usual.  I’m feeling good minus the terrible headache I haven’t been able to shake.  Hopefully this 4 o’clock cup of coffee will help.

Last week was a pretty busy one.  Monday night we had dinner with John’s parents and Shannon and Kevin to celebrate the fact they are having a girl!  I don’t know if I’ve mentioned her pregnancy on the blog or not, but I am super excited for them!!!  My friend Gin and her daughter Clare spent the day with me and Ry-Guy on Thursday.  Gin and her husband now live in Indiana, they were some of our closest friends and I miss them a lot so it was great to spend the day together.  We had lunch at Hindoe, one of the Japanese places where they cook the food on your table.  It was a little girl’s birthday and a couple people came out dressed like a dragon.  I’ve never seen Ryan so scared, in fact, I’ve never really seen him scared at all.  He kept saying “I want to go to my house!” and spent the entire meal on my lap staring into the kitchen hoping it wouldn’t come back.  Look at him, he’s such a sweet boy and freely gives lots of hugs and kisses.  He will just look me and say “I love you Mommy, I love my Mommy!”, just melts my heart.

Thursday night we went to Panera for a benefit for Nathan Dunn, the guy I had mentioned a while back on the blog.  I finally met his wife Renee, although only for a brief few minutes.  She’s really nice and has a great support system around her so that makes me happy.  The fact she thinks Ryan’s pretty cute makes her even better.  (Do I have to pay you royalties for mentioning your name? :))

We had a fun weekend which included a trip to Incredible Pizza where we found another thing Ryan is scared of, clowns.  They were doing balloon animals and face painting and he clung to me and begged to go in the opposite direction.  When we were leaving we talked to the girl clown and found out they are not scary (although they really kind of are!) and he got a balloon Spiderman.  After dinner we went to Toys R Us to get him a trike.  He’s just a little bit spoiled.  Sunday we played outside on the bike and grilled out, enjoying the nice weather.

Yesterday we had a meeting with our Parents as Teachers lady.  She was impressed by how quickly he can put together a puzzle.  He knows most of his colors and can count to 12.  We need to working on cutting with scissors and memory games.  I’m just so proud of my little Ryan man.

6 thoughts on “Over the past week.

  1. Pretty cute? More like incredibly adorable! And no I shall waive any royalties that you might have to pay for mentioning my name… I’ll just pretend like I’m famous and that will be payment enough. 🙂

  2. I’m glad your counts came back normal.

    Those 2 pictures are just adorable. I agree that clowns and dragons are and were scary! I absolutely hated Show Biz when we were little! Anything in costume or those freaky things on the stages – aaahhhh!!

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